
My teaching activities at University of Verona started in 1998.

Since then, I proposed, organized or re-structured several courses for the Bachelor and Master (“Laurea Magistrale”) in Computer Science, in relation to the Visual Computing curriculum, such as Image Processing, Human-Machine Interaction, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.

From 2009 to 2019, I was on-leave from University of Verona while working at the Italian Institute of Technology, setting up and leading PAVIS (Pattern Analysis & Computer Vision), a research team working on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, without almost any teaching duties.

I came back to University of Verona in 2019 starting again my teaching activities. Find below the courses I taught since then.



University of Verona

Machine Learning & Deep Learning / Deep Learning module – 4 Credits (co-taught, 6 Credits for the whole module, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Artificial Intelligence


Computer Vision & Deep Learning – 6 Credits (4+2, Theory + Lab)          Link

Master degree in Artificial Intelligence


University of Verona





University of Genova

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence – 5 Credits (co-taught, 9 Credits for the entire course, 7+2, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry

Computer Vision & Deep Learning – 6 Credits (4+2, Theory + Lab)          Link

Master degree in Artificial Intelligence


Deep Learning – 3 Credits (co-taught, 9 Credits for the entire course)          Link

Master degree in Computer Science

Advanced Machine Learning & Machine Learning for Automated Driving – 3 Credits (co-taught, 10 Credits for the entire course)          Link

Master degree in Electronic Engineering


University of Verona

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence – 9 Credits (7+2, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry


Computer Vision & Deep Learning – 6 Credits (4+2, Theory + Lab)          Link

Master degree in Artificial Intelligence


University of Verona

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence – 9 Credits (7+2, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry


Deep Learning – 6 Credits (just 1 assigned)            Link

Master degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry


University of Verona

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence – 9 Credits (7+2, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Computer Engineering for Robotics and Smart Industry


University of Verona

Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition – 6 Credits (4+2, Theory+Lab)            Link

Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering